Wednesday, 31 July 2013

A Story from Last Night

Don't  we  have  any  war  in  Malaysia? Ask  yourself  whether  it  is  true  that  we  are  actually  residing  in  a  peaceful  country  of  our  own?

If  you  answered  NO, well  you  better  reset  your  thought.

I  had  an  encounter  with  the  most  terrifying  war  of  all  time  last  night  (July  30, 2013)  throughout  my  life. The  MOST  TERRIFYING  ones  by  far, I  must  say!

It  wasn't  actually  a  war  like  Palestine  VS  Zionist  Regime  kind  of  war, but  in  fact, it  was  a  firecracker  war! There  you  have  it! BOMB! *as  how  it  appeared  to  be  sounds  like*

This  firecracker  war, well, it  actually  a  yearly  occurrence  though. What  makes  and  why  does  I  came  up  with  such  remark? Simple! All  because, we  are  marching  towards  the  end  of  Ramadhan  and  approaching  towards  celebrating  the  anticipated  Hari  Raya  Aidilfitri. Now, that  answers  everything.

If  I  was  to  give  personal  feedback  as  a  response  to  the  last  night  event, I  would  say, firing  up  firecrackers, is  an  uncivilized  and  immature  act  of  conduct  for  any  respective  IPTA/IPTS/College  students  to  get  engaged  with! What's  more  throwing  those  explosive  fire  burning  substance  to  junior's  dorm  block? That  is  just  unacceptable!

What  really  triggered  this  war? Two  solid  reasons. One  STUPIDITY, second  HATRED.

You  know, in  my  university, the  seniors  really  despise  the  semester  1  juniors. It  seems  like, if  murder  was  legal, they  could've  killed  these  juniors  right  away. I  don't  know, they're  despised  for  no  reason  at  all. Poor  these  juniors  for  having  to  bear  with  such  a  painful  semester  1  period.  -,-'

Back  to  our  main  focus, what  was  achieved  from  the  war  last  night? Nothing  but  wounds  and  smashed  window  glasses. One  student  had  his  waist  injured  and  he  was  brought  to  hospital  to  get  his  waist  stitched! Many  window  glasses  of  the  juniors  dorm  block  were  shattered  into  pieces  due  to  impact  received  from  the  firecrackers  explosion.

I  still  remember, at  the  beginning  of  this  semester, many  students  didn't  get  to  stay  inside  the  dorm  as  the  dorm  wasn't  adequately  equipped  with  facilities. When  I  mentioned  students  earlier  just  recently, it  meant  seniors. They  urged  the  dorm  officers  to  accept  their  dorm's  application. Trust  me, they've  gone  banana  during  that  time. Now  that  they're  staying  in  the  dorm, as  if  the  damages  to  dorm  facilities  they've  caused, were  all  they  got  to  offer  to  the  dorm  officers  for  approving  their  dorm's  applications.

Seriously? I  thought  you  are  intelligent  enough  to  think  that  you  should  be  preserving  the  facilities, not  demolishing  them. Come  on, be  smarter! We  are  all  a  higher  learning  institution  student! Our  intelligence  should  be  parallel  with  the  place  where  we  are  studying.

I  have  a  recommendation  to  offer  to  my  university  management. Instead  of  placing  assistant  police  or  campus  police  to  control  students-gone-wild  events, why  don't  allow  real  police  or  even  FRU  to  assist  campus  police? *maybe  this  is  not  a  good  suggestion, but  my  intention  is  crystal  clear*

Or  maybe  it  is  about  time  for  serious  and  stricter  penalties  and  punishments  to  be  enforced? Do  regular  spot checks  on  students  room! It  might  costs  and  wastes  time, but  hey, better  safe  than  sorry, don't  you  think?

Therefore, I  rest  my  case. Signing  off.

Below  is  a  raw  amateur  video clip  which  was  recorded  from  our  room  window's  view.

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